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Weather and Conditions

River Levels by the Nation Weather Service

Instructions for viewing the Mississippi River levels:
1. Click the link above
2. Scroll down to the second grouping of figures
3. Look in the fifth column from the left to find "BTRL1" (Baton Rouge)
4. Scroll down to the date you wish to view and cross-reference to "BTRL1"


All of our few members enjoy Wildwood Plantation and the recreational outdoor experiences it provides to their family and friends. Our organization is equally proud of its members and their constant commitment to integrity and christian out-reach to help others.

Harvest Statistic

The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries maintains statistics for deer harvested in the state. An annual report is published and our data for the 2003-2004 Season is included below.Tony Vidrine is the biologist who accumulates and publishes the information for our District. We should be proud of the qualitative comments he added to the end our our report.Please be patient Harvest Stats are currently being gathered to update site.

Rules and Management

All well-run organizations have rules and regulations that embody several basic principals:

  1. They are easy to understand.
  2. They impose no hardships on the membership.
  3. Observance insurers benefits that accrue to both members and their guests.

With the above in mind, we are pleased to publish the Rules & Regulations for Wildwood Plantation:

  1. 2 quality bucks per member
  2. Bucks must meet the following criteria any 3 out of 4 combinations:
  3. 8pts. Or better, 4.5” bases or better, 16” inside spread or better, 21” main beams or better. This classifies a 3.5 year-old buck at W.W.
  4. The fine for an undersized buck is $500 and counts against 1 buck on the membership.
  5. If you blood a quality buck and don’t find it, it still counts against a buck of the member for the season. “honor system” to "give extra effort"
  6. Does need to be shot, no fine against members for shooting a “button buck” accidents happen, unless it’s an obvious spike, $250 FINE.
  7. 1 doe must be shot before you shoot a buck. Unless a buck scores 140 or greater, the buck will be scored, and if it less than 140, the member must shoot 2 more does before a second buck is taken” no exceptions!” La. Law states you may shoot a doe a day on DMAP. Hammer the does!
  8. Membership includes all hunting, deer, duck, turkey, squirrel, and fishing.
  9. No adolescent may be on the property unaccompanied by an adult.
  10. During hunting season the rifle range can only be used by hours of 10 am to 1 pm strict
  11. Until an adolescent is 15 years old they are not allowed to hunt by themselves.
  12. All Louisiana laws, licensing, will be followed in strict accordance, Along with DMAP rules & regulations. Tagging jaw bones, keeping records current status with a member.
  13. Safety: Tag on the appropriate stand location. Hunt that stand only, remove the tag from the board when you depart property.
  14. 400 square inch vest should be worn at all times when operating on the property. You may remove it if you’re in an elevated stand. It must be worn when hunting on the ground.
  15. Verify targets all ways, never shoot at a moving target with low light situations.
  16. All adolescents must have satisfied a Louisiana hunter safety course.
  17. No hunting off of or shooting on the limestone road.
  18. Gates are to stay closed at all times, let the electric gate completely open before attempting to cycle it closed.
  19. No trash is to be left on the property, trash in, trash out.
  20. Keep clean at all times the skinning shed, empty gut at the appropriate location immediately after cleaning of deer.
  21. If the skin shed refrigerator is low on bottled water, cokes, etc, please help to keep it stocked. Thanks.
  22. W.W.P. is my home, treat it as yours.
  23. All stand placements, work, individual work must be completed by October 1st. unless W.L.&F. change the start date of opening day. Mandatory 2 work days before season starts, the adolescent may satisfy work days.
  24. Parking areas, after the start of bow season, no vehicles past the curve before the briar patch, or the second culvert on the pipeline. This includes feeding a spot for an individual.
  25. Please choose a stand that favors wind direction, and other members.
  26. Be courteous & respectful to all people at W.W.P.
  27. Any member may hunt any stand at any time of the day, all stands are club stands.
  28. Guests: No guests when the river reaches 25ft. No guests on south-side. Guest shoots a buck, it counts against members allowance. $ 250 fine guests shooting a button buck. Guests must sit in the stand with a member on the south side to be on the south side. Guest “adult” may be accompanied by an adolescent to hunt the same stand. Guests are limited by the availability of stands. Guests will be fined $ 1,000 for shooting an undersized buck. Members are responsible for all actions of guests. If a guest breaks any rules or laws it’s the member's duty to satisfy all claims, until then the member is not allowed to hunt.
  29. Make sure horse gate is closed off to the rifle range. Open gate when finished.
  30. After target range reps ray targets white for next person
  31. Don't clean mud off bikes in limestone. Use bike clean rack.
  32. Please turn off all unused electrical lighting etc when leaving Cabin
  33. Please take the garbage out yourselves a discard
  34. Keep Cabin as clean as possible

Thank you, Glynn